[ctf apk문제]CyberTruck Challenge 2019 #Challenge 2
2020. 2. 7. 01:07
문제 github https://github.com/nowsecure/cybertruckchallenge19 nowsecure/cybertruckchallenge19 Android security workshop material taught during the CyberTruck Challenge 2019 (Detroit USA). - nowsecure/cybertruckchallenge19 github.com 목표 Challenge1 to unlock car1. "DES key: Completely Keyless. Completely safe" 50pts: There is a secret used to create a DES key. Can you tell me which one? 100pts: The..

[ctf apk문제]CyberTruck Challenge 2019 #Challenge 1
2020. 1. 29. 02:23
문제 github https://github.com/nowsecure/cybertruckchallenge19 nowsecure/cybertruckchallenge19 Android security workshop material taught during the CyberTruck Challenge 2019 (Detroit USA). - nowsecure/cybertruckchallenge19 github.com 목표 Challenge1 to unlock car1. "DES key: Completely Keyless. Completely safe" 50pts: There is a secret used to create a DES key. Can you tell me which one? 100pts: The..